October 16, 2009
I’m off to San Francisco this weekend to read from Entertaining Disasters at Litquake as part of the Lit Crawl in the Mission District Saturday night, October 17. I will be in the Women’s Building from 7:15 to 8:15 with two other Counterpoint Authors. We’ve been warned to expect a rowdy, standing room only crowd, but since there’s a Smut Fest elsewhere in the building, we’ll see where the rowdies go to stand. Also, FYI, check out my essay regarding the actual existence of identifiable seasons here in Los Angeles on the Op-Ed page of this Sunday’s Los Angeles Times. Okay, gotta go, still overcoming jet lag from the trip to Venice for the Biennale and still gotta pack for S.F. So, more later and maybe sooner than once every 8-10 months. Maybe. See you all in S.F.!